Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Taking the Wellness Scorecard

Taking the Wellness Scorecard

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America's Wellness Challenge begins soon

America's Wellness Challenge begins soon

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Friday, January 15, 2010

The "R's" of resolution 2010

Always remember your 3 R's - not reading, writing, and arithmetic --
Responsible to myself
Regimen takes time to change
Renew in writing when you slip
Reward yourself when you reach your goals

If you have time, try another of my favorite "r's" Relaxation and Rest
All my best in 2010!

Sign up for a new resolution

Team up with your pen, pencils or keyboard to keep your new year's resolution. Write,
email, post it or publish it! Sometimes we have to see it in print to believe it can
come true. When starting any fitness program, set small goals and write them down in a
place where you will see them each day. Each time you complete the activity- tear up the
paper and/or write it down again. You may even want to email messages to yourself
again. By writing or typing thoughts and actions, you will find that it helps you cement
the thought process and new pattern you are trying to keep. Our minds play the most
important role in our success. And remember, when trying anything new, you are looking
for small success, not perfection.