Thursday, February 21, 2008
How do you know if You're Stressed?
Andrea Metcalf, Host of Fit Today and NBC 5 Fitness Team Well we all think we have it under control~ well maybe there are those days that seem to out of control, hair on end, tension, shoulders, headache... YES that is stress. But what about the minor stress we feel on a daily basis. This and yes that bid stuff is what causes a drain on the body--mental and physical effects are widely accepted and ignored. STRESS INDICATOR from Voice Prism is one way to monitor your stress levels while Resperate and Emwave are electronic devices to help train yourself to lower stress. This results in some of the same great benefits of exercise, yoga, meditaion, and yes even sex!-- better health, lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, and even weight loss. Check out Nesita's segment on Stress on Monday, Feb. 25th on NBC5.