Sunday, April 27, 2008


Andrea Metcalf, Creator & Host of I have been so busy these past few weeks that entries have been few and far between!  Spring break with my family was really a learning experience.  My son officially declared that he is going to Indiana University's School of business this fall 08.  Incredible to know that I have a senior going to prom let alone college in a few short months.  My daughter has her golden birthday, 17 on the 17th this month and Charlie now having daily workouts joining the high school lacrosse team.  SO how do I balance it all-- frankly, I think I am starting to feel the pressure.  I have been to NYC several times the last month and have worked every weekend without a break for the past 4 weeks in a row.  BUT I still feel that I am moving in a good direction and thank goodness for eating well and exercising as often as I can!  I hope that everyone else in this decade can find time to chose foods with nutrition, a few minutes to exercise and a moment to reflect on the silver linings of each day.